ANA News
2018-01-17 – Two independent teams of scientists from the University of Utah and the University of Massachusetts Medical School have discovered that a gene crucial for learning, called Arc, can send its genetic material from one neuron to another by employing a strategy commonly used by viruses. The studies,…
2018-01-16 – After three decades of hopes tempered by setbacks, gene therapy is no longer the future of medicine, but is part of the present-day clinical treatment toolkit. The Jan. 12 issue of the journal Science provides an in-depth and timely review of the key developments that have led to several successful…
2018-01-11 – Collaborating is so beneficial, several scientists say it’s “a no-brainer.” Why are some researchers and institutions reluctant to team up? An article from the Association of American Medical Colleges explores the advantages of cross-institution collaboration: During a Time of Cutbacks, Researchers…
2018-01-09 – A recent op-ed in STAT, authored by leaders in the biomedical field, underscores the critical importance of supporting "the funding and infrastructure for biomedical research that can deliver the breakthroughs of tomorrow." Read the article: The NIH is in danger of losing its edge in creating…
2018-01-04 – Research presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting by ANA member Matthew Rizzo, MD, chair of the University of Nebraska's department of neurological sciences, suggests that vehicle sensor and physiologic data can be successfully linked to quantify individual driver performance and behavior in drivers…
2018-01-03 – January 2018 Dear Colleague, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a great start to 2018. As we look ahead to the opportunities and challenges of the new year, I want to remind you that the American Neurological Association is your partner in supporting the professional success of your…
2017-12-22 – Dear Director Mulvaney and Acting Secretary Hargan: As the premier professional society of academic neurologists and neuroscientists devoted to advancing the goals of academic neurology, the American Neurological Association was deeply concerned by the news reported in the December 16 Washington…
2017-12-20 – A new study published in Annals of Neurology, one of the ANA's two peer-reviewed journals, shows that there is a high frequency of tics in an extremely highly achieving group of pre-pubertal singers. 35% of 40 young singers in the Boys Choir exhibited tics during a public concert of Bach's…
2017-12-19 – Science Magazine published an article about the NIH’s efforts to support young and midcareer researchers. The article highlights the remarks of NIH Principal Deputy Director Larry Tabak, DDS, PhD, that announced a plan to aim for the NIH to provide additional grants to younger and at-risk…
2017-12-18 – On Dec. 11, Michael Rosbash, PhD, an American scientist who received a Nobel Prize this year, spoke out on the state of science funding and expressed his concerns about cuts to research. According to press reports, Dr. Rosbash’s remarks, which came as part of his address at an awards’ gala banquet…